Monday, April 28, 2014

The Shining analysis - part 17: Child sexual abuse by high-ranking Freemasons

Recall from part 16 of the analysis that the red, white, and blue coloring of the clothing worn by Stuart Ullman represents Freemasonry. This symbolizes that Ullman himself represents evil high-ranking Freemasons. Also observed earlier was that Jack Torrance was sexually abused (by his mother) as a child. In the screenshot at left, which is from the scene in which Ullman interviews Jack, note that the top level of the paper tray on Ullman's desk, which is here visible directly in front of Ullman's waist at crotch level, makes Ullman appear as if he has a large erection (the white line indicated by the blue arrow). Since the erection is pointing direcly at Jack, the symbolism suggests that Kubrick believed that certain high-ranking Freemasons are sexually abusing children, including boys. The vast majority of Freemasons must be unaware that this abuse is going on, for otherwise, information about it would have 'leaked' into the news media by now, and it would have become widely known. It is only, or mainly, the men at the high upper levels of Freemasonry who are committing the abuse.


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