Friday, March 30, 2012

2001 analysis - part 28: 'Faked' aspects of the Jupiter mission film

There is a film (and/or broadcast) being made of the Jupiter mission, and certain aspects of it are being 'faked' - the creators of the film/broadcast are, for some reason, intentionally misleading its audience. Top left: At the beginning of the mission, we the 2001 audience (and presumably, the mission film audience) see Frank Poole jogging around what we believe to be the rotating centrifuge inside Discovery One. (You may need to click on the image to enlarge it, to see Poole.) Note that there are two hibernation pods on Poole's right, and also note that at this point he is passing (on his right) the ladder rungs that extend from the center of the centrifuge to its floor. This is the only ladder in the centrifuge, and as can be seen, Poole passes the ladder before he gets to the two hibernation pods. Top right: A moment later we get a closer view of Poole jogging, only this time, he will pass the hibernation pods (again, on his right) before he comes to the ladder. The point is that the spatial relationship between the pods and the ladder has been switched from what the previous screencap shows. Above left: The next view of Poole that we see shows him from the front, and now the two pods and the ladder are on his left. This would be in agreement with the previous screencap (but not the one before that) only if Poole had reversed the direction in which he is running. The change of scenery inside the centrifuge between the first and the next two screencaps, can only be explained by concluding that the editor of the mission film either made one or more mistakes while editing it, or that he spliced together the footage hoping the intended audience would not notice the discrepancies; but in either case, the footage had to have been filmed in two (or more) different centrifuges. Thus, not all of what we see is actually taking place on Discovery One. Above right: This view of the space station provides us with a couple of hints as to what is really going on: The fact that the slot at the right-hand side of the hub is lighted red, signifies the presence of HAL, and thus of his camera eyes, which as was said earlier, are recording (and/or broadcasting) the mission. Noting that the side of the space station that is under construction is on the same side as the red 'glow' (i.e., it is opposite the side on which the small spacecraft is getting ready to enter), we conclude that part of what the mission film audience sees as the Jupiter mission is in reality filmed in the space station instead of on Discovery One, and in fact, one entire side of the station is being used as a 'set' for the film. The centrifuge in the space station has a slightly different interior arrangement than the one on Discovery One, and it must be located inside the hub of the station, somewhere in the small-diameter section between the two spoked 'wheels'. (As an aside, note that Frank Poole, while jogging in circles around the centrifuge, is reminiscent of a rodent on its running wheel. The symbolism here is that Frank is some kind of metaphorical 'rat in a machine').


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