Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Shining analysis - part 18: More on Dick Hallorann

Above left: Dick Hallorann is a passenger on this plane, flying from Miami to Denver. Above right: The Jewish Star of David, with its center region here outlined in black.[a] The Dictionary of Symbols contains an entry for Star of David which explains the symbolism of the Star's center region: "[I]n Hermetic tradition, the Star of David...encompasses the seven basic metals, that is the totality of metal, as well as the seven planets which epitomize the totality of the Heavens. The occupied by gold (Sun); ..."[b] Also in Hermetic tradition, gold and the sun are related to the heart.[c] Based on the foregoing symbolism, when we hear the sound of a heart beating during Hallorann's plane trip, the indication is that evil elite Jews are watching over Hallorann's movement (recall that Hallorann represents the Holy Spirit, and the flight represents movement of the Holy Spirit). These Jews then 'warned' Delbert Grady (who represents evil high-ranking Freemasons) that Hallorann (the Holy Spirit) was coming to Danny's rescue, and this is why Grady warned Jack (that Danny was trying to get a "nigger cook" involved in the situation at the Overlook): The evil elite Jews and Freemasons effectively worked together to have Jack kill the Holy Spirit; but, since it is actually Wendy (within her capacity as representing the dark side of the feminine Jungian Self) who is responsible for this, the overall idea is that evil elite hermaphroditic Jews, certain evil high-ranking Freemasons, and the evil feminine (e.g., ideological feminists), have all worked together to kill the Holy Spirit. (This is, of course, not to say that Wendy Torrance herself is a radical/ideological feminist).

Things only appear to the audience of The Shining, that Dick Hallorann is the one who is ultimately at fault for the way things turned out, because he didn't get to the hotel in time to keep Jack from going after Wendy and Danny; but in reality, it is the conspiratorial parties themselves who are actually responsible, as described above. In fact, since Hallorann is a black man, one thing being symbolized by this whole scenario is that African-American males as a group are being 'set up' and framed, by evil hermaphroditic Jews and the other evil parties mentioned above, such that they are being held responsible for being at the root of much of the evil in society. Part of the method whereby this has been accomplished is by turning large numbers of African-American women against the men of their own race, causing a significant proportion of these men to become disoriented, and in some cases even antagonistic. It's not these men themselves who are ultimately responsible for the way things have turned out, however - instead, it's the doing of the evil parties who have set them up.

a. Image from the Wikipedia 'Star of David' page, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons; edited for clarity.
b. Dictionary of Symbols. Ed. Jean Chevalier and Alain Gheerbrant, Trans. John Buchanan-Brown. London: Penguin Group, 1996. pp. 930-931.
d. Waite, Arthur Edward. The Hermetic Museum, Vol. 2. Jazzybee Verlag Jürgen Beck. p. 266.


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